XINGDA College,
an important driver of Xingda’s development

XINGDA College was established in 2013, and it’s built with 8 training classrooms, 1 multimedia room and 1 library. Besides, the Company’s workshops are used as training bases for staff, and they are equipped with LAN, broadband Internet access, video conferencing system, remote training system, information system training and management, remote training and online offices, and lecture halls, to meet the needs of various trainings, large and mid-sized conferences and academic exchanges. As an important part of the internal talent development system, XINGDA College provides its faculty with trainings on professional knowledge and skills based on realties of the Company. XINGDA boosts its corporate development by integrating advanced management expertise and its practical experience while cultivating professional managers to enhance its international leadership.

College Characteristics

Strengthening cooperation with universities and consulting companies to enhance the comprehensive quality of students with the help of external resources

Strengthening cooperation with universities and consulting companies to enhance the comprehensive quality of students with the help of external resources

XINGDA College has established long-term partnerships with a number of major universities (Tsinghua University, Nanjing University, Southeast University and the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, etc.). By virtue of the adequate teaching resources of those universities and colleges, XINGDA College works jointly with its partners to cultivate highly educated personnel and enhance the knowledge level of students. At the same time, the college attaches great importance to the building of its management team and the improvement of its staff’s professional skills. Teaming up with 84 Chinese management consulting firms, it sends relevant personnel to participate in training sessions on professional knowledge, employee attitude and skills every year. In addition, teachers from management consulting companies are invited to XINGDA to provide training on management, technology, quality, corporate systems and accounting.
Student-oriented education and human-centered management

Student-oriented education and human-centered management

XINGDA College consistently adheres to the student-oriented principle in its teaching management, that is, it enhances the quality of students based on their training needs and makes great efforts to strengthen training management.
Unity of knowledge and action

Unity of knowledge and action

XINGDA College always adheres to the teaching guideline of “seeking excellence by engagement in active practice and commitment to earnest learning”. For the purposes of cultivating talents with multi-disciplinary background and improving the practical ability of staff, the college attaches great importance to the training of practical skills and combines theory with practice, in a bid to improve the effectiveness of the training.

Teaching characteristics

Training for academic upgrading

Training for academic upgrading

In order to improve the overall quality of XINGDA’s employees and to build a platform for their further education, XINGDA College works with major universities and colleges to assess the academic performance of the employees. We jointly develop teaching programs and course materials that match the employees’ knowledge and ability. The teaching covers theoretical lectures, online courses and other forms of training in high school classes, junior college classes, college classes and undergraduate classes to upgrade the employees’ academic levels.
Every year, two training courses are held for academic upgrading, respectively in spring and autumn. The enrollment is carried out in the forms of personal application and recommendation of candidates from excellent employees. XINGDA College and its cooperative higher education institutions conduct course supervision, assessment, tracking and feedback, and students will receive nationally recognized diplomas after graduation.
Skill improvement training

Skill improvement training

In order to continuously and effectively produce talents needed by the Company, XINGDA College makes constant efforts to improve the team of talents at different levels. Based on an analysis of the annual training needs, the college works out a well-balanced annual training plan for different positions to provide employees with training programs that are close to their needs. Then it implements the plan according to their competency in a systematic, targeted and effective manner.
In light of the needs of the talent team, XINGDA College holds two training sessions for reserve personnel (reserve team leaders, technicians, craftsmen, quality supervisors and electricians, etc.), respectively in spring and autumn each year. Centering around the changing roles of the reserve personnel, the internal training sessions cover professional knowledge and skills to cultivate reserve talents suitable for the Company. The trainees who pass the assessment will enter the talent pool of XINGDA College and receive the course-completion certificates. In addition, XINGDA College invites staff from the Skill Appraisal Department of the Taizhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the Xinghua Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau to assess practical skills of the trainees, and those who pass the assessment will receive national professional qualification certificates issued by the Taizhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, such as the certificates for metal extrusion operators, machine repair fitters and senior electricians.
Training for special positions

Training for special positions

XINGDA College develops a list of special positions in the Company, with well-defined responsibilities and skill requirements, before providing teaching tailored to the trainees’ needs. It also invites professional appraisal agencies to regularly evaluate the operational skills of personnel in special positions to ensure that they are duly certified and qualified for the requirements.
Training for intermediate and senior management

Training for intermediate and senior management

In order to meet the Company’s strategic requirements and to facilitate the employees’ career development, XINGDA College provides learning and exchange opportunities for managers, and improves their management skills through various means of learning. The major learning modes are as follows:

1. Participate in the senior executives’ training sessions held by well-known universities (Tsinghua University and Peking University);
2.Online learning;
3.High-level internal communication and case study seminars;
4.Visits to well-known enterprises;
5.Invite teachers from management and consulting companies to provide systematic and customized training courses for heads of departments and workshops.
Micro-classroom training on WeChat platform

Micro-classroom training on WeChat platform

To provide a more convenient online learning and communication platform for the Company’s employees, XINGDA College has launched a “micro-classroom” on WeChat platform, through which employees can learn freely anytime, anywhere. The curricula of the micro-classroom include general management, technology, quality, finance, R&D and personal growth. XINGDA College regularly updates courses of the micro-classroom, and organizes internal lecturers to produce courses independently, before uploading XINGDA’s internal courses every month, so that internal and external courses are effectively combined. XINGDA College matches the courses at all levels with the job responsibilities of employees to hold trainings on professional knowledge, employee attitude and skills, and works to build an excellent platform for employees’ learning and exchange.
Through the back-end system of the micro-course platform, XINGDA College manages the training activities and makes statistics in an information-based manner to effectively analyze and follow employees’ learning progress. After offline exams, which are held timely for theoretical studies and practical skills, it evaluates the effectiveness of the training sessions.