Sustainable Supply Chain

We fully understand the importance of building a sustainable supply chain, and we continue to improve our internal supply chain management system while enhancing communication and cooperation with external suppliers. This two-pronged approach has played an important role in driving a sustainable supply chain.

Our Sustainability Commitment:

By 2025, include 100% of our suppliers in sustainability assessment
On a yearly basis, provide training on sustainable procurement for all the procurement staff
Empower upstream supply chain
Compliance in procurement and responsible management of minerals
We have set the goal of including 100% of our suppliers in the sustainability assessment by 2025. By working on comprehensive supplier management system, risk identification and risk mitigation, as well as training and project cooperation on the sustainable supply chain, we work to build up suppliers’ capability in this sector and empower our upstream partners to build a robust and sustainable supply chain.
In strict compliance with procurement regulations, we practice responsible management of minerals. We undertake that no tin-based metals used in our products are sourced from areas of war or illegal armed conflicts, and that our supply chain is free of conflict minerals. We work with our clients to create a more equitable and sustainable global supply chain. We forbid our suppliers from supplying metals that originate from minerals or their derivatives from conflict zones and that are directly or indirectly owned or subsidized by armed forces. We also request a pledge of no conflict minerals from our suppliers, in order for us to trace the source of gold (Au), tantalum (Ta), tin (Sn), cobalt (Co) and tungsten (W) contained in our products and ensure that they are not sourced from areas stricken or impacted by conflicts or those with related high risk. In case of any questions about our conflict minerals information, you may contact us or make a complaint at the following number: Tel: +86 523-80956908